Gresham & Associate

M.D./alert Tips

After You Stop Smoking...

Kristie Jackson, ACNP

  • 20 Minutes: Your blood pressure, heart rate and the temperature of your hands and feet normalize.
  • 8 hours: The oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in your blood normalize.
  • 1 Day: Your likelihood of having a heart attack decreases.
  • 2 Days: Your sense of smell and taste improves. Nerve endings start to re-grow.
  • 2 Weeks – 3 Months: Your circulation becomes better and breathing improves; it becomes easier to walk.
  • 1-9 Months: Coughing, sinus congestion, shortness of breath and fatigue decrease and you have more energy.
  • 1 Year: Happy Birthday! Your excess risk of heart disease is now less than half what it was a year ago.
  • 5 Years: Your risk of cancer of the lung, mouth, throat and esophagus is half that of a pack-a-day smoker.
  • 10 Years: Your risk of dying of lung cancer is similar to non-smokers’. Precancerous cells have been replaced.
  • 15 years: You are at no more risk of heart disease than if you never smoked.

For more information about smoking cessation…..ask your doctor!
